[Summer '16] Atomic Cocktail

Description of Project

Design and fabrication of a cocktail glass that takes its inspiration from the Atomic Cocktail (drink, song, and Fallout in-game item).

Processes Applied:

3D Printing


After completing my Milkshake refurbishment project I wanted to create a cool looking drinking glass. One of the things I always thought was cool was the rocket-ship designed cup from the popular game series Fallout.

To complete this project I first went out to various stores to find an ideal glass cup to design around. I was specifically looking for a solidly constructed glass cup that could take some compression stress, as well as having some heft to it. I ended up buying a 12oz high-ball glass, which had a solid thick glass wall as well as having an extended base of solid glass. I also bought a set of stainless steel straws, which are quite rigid. I initially recreated these images in CAD (Solidworks) and then used these models to help guide my design for the 3D-printed components.

Once the models were made, the hard part of this project was getting two successful large ABS plastic prints. As anyone who has 3d printed any large object would know, getting it to come out un-warped and in general successful is quite a challenging task. For this project I used an UpBox I had access to at MIT. This printer is one of the newer hobbyist grade printers which are designed with a build chamber. This is important because one of the many sources of warping is due to thermal fluctuations, which are caused due to environmental changes in airflow and temperature. Overall the base took me a few small revisions to get a successful print because of the support structures connection to the curved under-structure.

After I had finished the print, I used a post-3d printing protective coating called XTC-3D. This is what gives the final product a shiny and smooth look.

Here is the Link to the Solidworks & STL Files, Please make sure to modify to fit the glass you buy. There is a high variance in glass dimensions due to the process of fabrication.

Project Photos