3 Stories, No Elevator: Barber Colman No.3


Newark, NJ


One of the more ambitious moves was moving a Barber Colman No. 3 (1950lbs) from the 3rd story of an old brick building in Newark, New Jersey. The day we arrived, we realized something was wrong after we inspected the machine... where the hell was the elevator. What we ended up finding out was that all the machines were lifted into the building decades prior. If you want it, you gotta get it out yourself. So we rolled up our sleeves and got to engineering a solution. Unfortunately that solution turned a 1 day trip into a 2-day trip. And it also got me my first experience of breaking into my used car, I accidently locked the keys inside - ended up running around Newark asking for a jimmy stick from various auto-shops around the area. 30 minutes later and I was back to task. Enjoy this chaotic nightmare of a move.
